Intellectuals and the Left at the neoliberal crossroads. Interview with Carlos Figueroa Ibarra

  • Aldo Fabián Hernández Solís Profesor


Carlos Figueroa Ibarra is a renowned sociologist, researcher and leftist activist. Doctor in Sociology from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM. His academic interest has focused on the political processes of Guatemala and Mexico, on studies on violence and on neoliberalism in Latin America. His publications include: "The rural proletariat in Guatemalan agriculture" (1980), "The resource of fear. (Essay on the State and Terror in Guatemala) ”(1990),“ Paz Tejada. Military and Revolutionary ”(2001) and“ On the threshold of post-neoliberalism? Left and government in Latin America ”(2010). This interview, while going through parts of Carlos Figueroa's life experience and journey, focuses on the debate on the state and perspectives of the left, on neoliberalism and on the role of intellectuals in the political disputes of our country. weather.
