The reading angle of the History of the academics of Our America
The critique of Eurocentrism is based on the rejection of the idea that European epistemology is universal. This has been shown in the humanities, where knowledge has various versions and interpretations; while in the "strong" sciences (such as the exact and natural) knowledge tends to be one in each age. One of the most important characteristics of the relations between the central western countries and the peripheral ones is the cultural resistance that some intellectuals of the latter oppose to the social codes of the former. The globalization of communications has caused by reaction, together with other factors, the resurgence of tensions between the dominant and the dominated, the colonizing and the colonized. However, as the supporters of decolonialism make clear, it is not a question of rejecting the great thinkers of European culture, but of Eurocentrism. It is worth saying that it is necessary to assimilate the strength of each culture to develop it in the study of our current reality.