Ce Miquiztli (1 Death), Creation, Foundation, Eroticism and its connection with Nahualism
Much has been argued about Nahualism from historical and anthropological studies to spilling ink and making this phenomenon a true literary prodigy in modern Mexico. Well, recently, an attempt has been made to address the interpretation of the material known as Codices, since these documents give us a little more generalized knowledge of the religious mentality of these settlers of the area known as Mesoamerica, especially in regard to to the Codices known as tonalámatl (divinatory or destiny books). All of them of tremendous religious and augural load. And where, apparently, we are told that certain days were propitious for some people who were born under certain calendrical signs to be considered as subjects capable of practicing Nahualism. As an example we have in the document known by the name of Codex Telleriano-Remensis, on whose folio 12v, a gloss that informs us about the sign 1 Death and its influence so that men were attributed the capacity of nahualism. It is worth noting that, in this sheet, we find a series of images and elements that show us its complex religious symbolic load.