Death of Art in Walter Benjamin
Kandinsky's aesthetic proposal is based on an ontology that starts from the spiritual and leads to a hierarchical hierarchy of society –artistic- represented with “a great acute triangle divided into unequal sections, the minor and the sharpest directed upwards” (Kandinsky 2002: 27). In each of the sections there are artists, who the higher they raise their position the better for being able to access spiritual knowledge, where not everyone has access, in fact, the majority stay in the lowest part. “The larger the section, the more they will understand and praise you. The larger the section and the lower its level, the greater will be the mass that the artist's speech comprises” (Kandinsky 2002: 28), says Kandinsky, generating not only a hierarchy between artists, but the levels also go away. marking by means of expectation, the masses are seen in a derogatory way because they fail to understand the genius who created the work of art in charge of showing us the spiritual.