Review of Christian Azaïs and Marielle Pépin-Lehalleur (dir.) Modes of governance in four Latin American metropolises

  • Lionel Francou Universidad Católica de Lovaina


This book is the result of research carried out between 2008 and 2011 within the framework of the ANR Metraljeux program, dedicated to the interests of urban governance in four Latin American metropolises. It proposes comparative analyzes, based on themes that could seem dissimilar if the authors had not made a force of the plurality of the themes compiled here. The similarities established, after long years of collective and transversal questioning on issues as diverse as: the place of residence, street commerce, the various forms of illegality and work, in four different metropolises are interesting, but far from being easy. interpreted. The great number of perspectives of the works is assumed and welcomed by the editors of the work for whom the comparison, clearly placing the differences, allows to “highlight the specificities of the phenomenon” (p. 317).
