Knowledge in the field of the religious myth: a confrontation with the modern notion of logos

  • Carlos Dayro Botero Flórez Universidad de Caldas


In many modern and contemporary epistemological conceptions it is assumed that in terms of knowledge only the scientific has a valid place. That is, it is considered that, in the fields of art, religion and ethics, it is not possible to speak of knowledge, or at least valid knowledge. This negation also applies to the cosmovisions of native peoples where mythical-religious stories are those that contain the conceptions of these cultures about what exists and about existence itself (its meaning). This essay seeks to confront the idea that only in the scientific field can one speak of knowledge, but it deals only with the field of the religious mythical, although in ethics, in the world of art and aesthetic reflection it is also possible to find important epistemological aspects. The aforementioned confrontation will be approached from the already classic distinction between mythos and logos, and aims to show that such a distinction is not as rigorous or natural as has been considered; For this, it will refer to proposals by authors such as E. Dussel, Ll. Duch, M. Eliade, B. Malinowski and Marcelo Fernández.
