Proximity of the face-to-face: faith in the "other", beginning of the liberating critique
The totality, the current system, "being", as the foundation of the entities in the world, and the horizon of understanding within which we live, as a constituent of the everyday, existential meaning of things, moves in "the light of the world" under the empire of reason (Dussel, 2014). From the horizon of "being" reason unfolds in an uncritical approach to things; subject-object proxemic relationship where entities, meaning-things, do not surround us chaotically, they are part of a world (Dussel, 2014), are ordered and fulfill a function; Proxemics is thus presented as an approach or way of facing reality on the part of the human being, which under the rule of instrumental reason does not transcend the borders of "being" and places entities as possibilities, internal mediations for the realization of the system, in this sense reason fulfills the function of discovering what entities are and what the world, the system or the totality consists of (Dussel, 2014). In this way, the totality tends to totalize itself and to seek to eternalize its present structure, including intrasystemically all possible exteriority, that is, it tends to alienation as subsumption of otherness (Dussel, 2014).