Analectic Methodology for Latin America

  • Diana Milagros Rueda de Aranguren Emisora Radial Frenesí 107.9 FM


Latin American philosophy is about to overcome the dialectical ontology of the identity of its region, and explains it by attributing that the dialectical or ontological method reaches the horizon of the world, beyond that ontological dialectical thinking and the divine identity of the end of the history, in addition to Hegelian knowledge, and confirms that there is also an anthropological moment that allows to affirm a new scope for philosophical, metaphysical, ethical or alterative thinking. Between the thinking of the totality, Heideggerian or Hegelian (one from the finitude and the other from the absolute), and the positive revelation of God (which would be the scope of the theological word), the status of the revelation of the other must be described, anthropological in the first place, and the methodical conditions that make its interpretation possible. This is how Dussel reasons it, philosophy would no longer be an ontology of identity or totality, it would not be denied as a mere Kierkegaardian theology, but would be a pedagogical dialectic of liberation, a primarily anthropological ethics or a historical metaphysics.
