Femicide as the highest expression of symbolic violence in Mexico
Is the consummation and maximum expression of symbolic violence feminicide? This document presents Diana Russell's concept of feminicide as the intentional murder of women due to their status as women, contrasted with the concept of symbolic violence, proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, to describe the phenomenon of internalization of violence by the victim to even approve and reproduce the violence they suffer from. It is necessary to compare the case of femicide with that of other social groups to determine if the former is the maximum expression of symbolic violence, therefore the indicators will be cases of violence against children, the LGBT community and violence for racial issues against indigenous and Afro-descendants. Despite the existence of other objects of violence, based on the collected evidence, it is possible to assert that the maximum expression of symbolic violence is the disease the most vulnerable group: women and, this violence, is consummated in femicide.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3818069
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