Relations of generic domination in the political field

  • Sol Cortes Bautista Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


From structuralist sociology, Pierre Bourdieu has made one of the fundamental contributions to the analysis of the family, precisely by taking into account not only the social actor but the objective structures in which it is found. In Practical Reasons, Bourdieu talks about the philosophy of action, basing it on a body of central concepts, Habitus, Field and Capital “and whose cornerstone is the two-way relationship between objective structures (those of social fields) and incorporated structures (those of the habitus) ”(Bourdieau, 1997, pp. 7-8). For Bourdieu it is in the political field, in which the agent invests his resources (capital) seeking to be authorized to occupy positions of domination, through different coherent and delineated practical strategies (habitus), which are acquired through learning and internalizations during socialization processes (Joignant, 2012).
