General considerations of "Seven hyphoteses for an Aesthetics of Liberation" by Enrique Dussel

  • Christian Soazo Ahumada Universidad de Chile


One of the primary practices within an aesthetic work of liberation, linked on a first level with an aesthesis of liberation, is the reestablishment, re-version, return or "turn" towards the source of cosmic reality, always within an essentially community cultural world, based on the logic of presence, belonging and participation (in opposition and critical tension with the "representation / inclusion" of the "classical order of knowledge" (Foucault, 2002) and the ego conquered prior to the Cartesian cogito, as foundations of the modern-western episteme (Dussel, 2008). This “overturning” (Umschalg or Kuty) is challenged when the “world / culture”, in this case the modern epistemic order (located fundamentally through the capitalist system, the liberal political-legal order and the modern aesthetics of the beautiful and the sublime), the "means-end" rationality over the "life-death" (Hinkelammert, 1984: 239) is fetishized, prevailing in the production of the meaning of culture.
