History Loquitur Semper. Chance dialogue with Yuval Noah Harari

  • Hilario Topete Lara Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia


Religious stories always start at the beginning, and there is always a creative act in the beginning. Harari's story also has a beginning, but it is far from religious. Let's see: the Genesis of the Bible had established it. In the beginning it was the word and the word was with God and the word was God (Araoz, 2013: 8). In the beginning, Harari tells us, there was a story. Evolutionary psychologists, such as Robin Dunbar (2007), would not be mistaken in the future, since the word has played a fundamental role in the life of man. The word itself, with which reality is encrypted, has allowed him to transform himself into God and create himself through him, alienate himself from him and make himself and his imagined creator, a schizophrenic being: man-God, or God-man, he maintains Harari. Homo sapiens without words and without stories would be inconceivable.
