The problem of data analysis in Critical Thinking: definitive separation or possible union?
Critical Thinking in philosophy, understood as a way of approaching reality that aims to reveal, denature and deconstruct the discursive forms and hegemonic social organization or those marked by the large power groups, is a label that encompasses a relatively wide range of authors and methodologies, in various disciplines. Various authors (Soriano, 2002; García, 2007; Muñoz, 2009) agree to place its genesis at the beginning of the 20th century, with the creation of the Frankfurt School in Germany and its development throughout the entire century, with its last heirs today such as Axel Honneth and his Theory of Reciprocal Knowledge (Honneth, 1997) Among its founding assumptions, we find an epistemological distance with the Logical Positivism of the Vienna Circle, especially in relation to the importance of interests in the process of construction of scientific knowledge, and in the total separation between subject-object.