Possibilities of a modern theory of political parties

  • César Mauricio Burgos Chaparro Maestro en Administración y Políticas Públicas


Until now, we have been able to make some interpretative adjustments to our political reality in light of these theories, being able to classify our political parties according to the characteristics that each of the authors uses. Thus, we can say, for example, following Duverger that the PRI in Mexico could have had an "indirect structure" in its origins and that no Mexican political party had a "direct origin" or "parliamentary" since they were not born from power. The direct structure occurs in parties formed from committees, cells or militias, that is, in more or less closed groups and with vertical communication links. The indirect structure occurs in parties formed from sections or sectors that decide to be part of the party. It could certainly be said that the PRI was born as a PNR from power but had an important supply of members from various sectors of society and in the integration of a large group of small political parties, which, incidentally, were not parties in the sense current term as they were not part of a whole within a real electoral competition, on the contrary, when Duverger refers to the parliamentary origin it deals with the European parties that were created from small groups within the parliament and that later on The universal nature of the vote was seen in the need to come together and create more or less similar interest groups.
