Man and his transcendental meaning from the existentialism of Luis Felipe Alarco

  • Luis Carrera Honores Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


Man and his transcendental meaning from the existentialism of Luis Felipe Alarco develops three important themes for Christian existentialism: What is man, the immortality of the soul and divine existence. These issues are raised from the Christian existentialism of Luis Felipe Alarco. In the history of philosophy in Peru Alarco was the most important thinker in ontology, he was influenced by Heidegger and Hartmann. First, regarding the question of what is man, Alarco, influenced by Max Scheler, affirmed that man is a spiritual being and the foundation of his existence is God. Second, about the immortality of the soul, Alarco affirmed, influenced by Miguel de Unamuno, that immortality does exist, it is man's desire, it gives meaning to man's life and reason does not deny the existence of immortality. Finally, regarding divine existence, Alarco affirmed that God does exist, gives meaning to the life of man and the world.
