Mining, planning and risk management. An assessment of non-governmental organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Adelso Nikolai Malavé Figueroa Instituto Tecnológico de Calidad, Inocuidad y Servicio


The objective of this research was to prepare a preliminary profile about the perception reserved by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) regarding the series of impacts of mining extraction, sustainable territorial planning processes and disaster risk management, the latter with a focus on resilience and adaptation to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean as axes of sustainable development. This purpose was complemented in the literature on sustainability and the presumed good mining practices promoted by industries in the field. The study is descriptive, cross-sectional and with a non-experimental field design. A survey based on a Likert scale with acceptable reliability results (α = 0.95; p <0.05) was applied to a sample of non-governmental organizations, using specialized organizations in at least one of the criteria for inclusion. the referred topics. It is concluded, firstly, that the average of the NGO evaluations of the socio-environmental impacts revealed a negative level with a severe range and, secondly, that both disaster risk management and sustainable territorial planning they reflect a regular degree of advancement.
