Bolívar Echeverría: Turn of the century
I appreciate the valuable comments by Diana Fuentes, of course, the errors and weaknesses of the text are my sole responsibility. Text published in Metapolítica magazine no84, January-March 2014. In one of the postcards outlined on Bolívar Echeverría, the late José María Pérez Gay (2012: 431) maintained that the 21st century would be the scene of the last fight of universal morality. In this sense, and following the approaches of Walter Benjamin, Bolívar Echeverría was aware of the devastating march of the locomotive (progress) of this “really existing modernity”, which, not being interrupted by revolutionary praxis, inexorably leads us to barbarism (one). For her part, from a Luxembourg reading, Diana Fuentes (2012: 121) points out that the dilemma raised, at the beginning of the 20th century, by the Polish communist theorist and militant under the formula "socialism or barbarism" was taken up by B. Echeverría: "Not to delve into the content of socialism, but to elucidate the meaning or logic of barbarism." Hence, Fuentes insists (2012: 125), "discourse can only be radical if it is structurally critical."