Taking a look at the sociology of culture: The study of cinema as a social phenomenon

  • Vanessa Parody Lozano Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Film studios continue to tread on a ground that has not yet been fully consolidated, since "television" is of greater interest to researchers of mass culture. However, despite the bumps we find in the studios, the cinema, today is still a great source of entertainment that crowds rooms and fills the box office with incredible economic sums. The reasons can be varied, what if the film is liked by the public, perhaps if it is the most anticipated film of the year or simply because it is screened first in cinemas and then on T.V. But a point that should not escape the view of Sociology, is that the cinema becomes a space for socialization, social relations and legitimization of tastes and preferences. That is why it is not enough to think of film research as a mere study of the consumption of a certain cultural good, but rather to rescue the relevance of status relationships, legitimization of the entertainment preferences of the public and meanings, in addition to the cinema is consolidated as an industry and that economic processes intervene in which there are losses and crises in the processes of cinematographic creation. It is a challenge for researchers and even for the epistemology of visual studies that are still being consolidated.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3823391


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