On Power and its corruption

  • José de Jesús Pérez Martínez Investigador


In the field of political science, it is common to think of power as a certain domination (mainly in Weber's perspective), that is not the true power for all authors. While for Weber (1964: 43) power consists of "the probability of imposing one's own will, within a social relationship, even against all resistance and whatever the basis of that probability"; for Dussel (2006: 13) domination is only the corruption of power. With the understanding that the true essence of power is the collective will to live and preserve life along with its necessary conditions (1). When power stops using the media to propagate the survival of its society, it becomes a domination of some over others and denies them vital rights, it has then become the ruins of power, what remains when power has been corrupted or "fetishized" (Dussel, 2006: 13) in the hands of a few.
