Collaboration rules
Update date January 1st, 2024

Are you interested in publishing in the magazine? It is recommended that you review the About the Journal page to consult the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors must register with the journal before publishing or, if already registered, they can simply log in and begin the five-step process.


First. Analéctica is a bimonthly magazine with continuous publication. It is made up of a Board of Directors and an International Editorial Committee.
Second. The content of the magazine is made up of the following sections:
1. Articles: every article nominated for publication must be original and unpublished and must not be simultaneously nominated in other journals or editorial bodies.
2. Book reviews

Third. Articles must be unpublished and the product of research. All proposals will be submitted without exception to arbitration in a double-blind process with 2 members of the International Editorial Committee or external evaluators who will use the following Opinion Form.
The phases of the opinion are a) reception of the document proposal, b) sending to 2 referees, c) communication to the author of the document, d) reception of the corrected document (in case there are corrections).
In case of controversy, the opinion of a third arbitrator may be requested.
Fourth. The result of the arbitration process may be of three types:
1. Highly recommended for publishing.
2. Publish only if certain corrections are made.
3. Not recommended for publishing.

Fifth. Contributions will be accepted in Spanish or other languages. When the language is different from Spanish, external evaluators will be sought in that language.
Sixth. Analéctica allows the author to retain the rights to their work and eliminates their embargo policies.
Seventh. Approximately the time for ruling is 1 to 2 months, so the estimated time between receipt and publication of an accepted article is 3 months.

First. The article must meet the following characteristics: original in Word format including the following data:
1. Full name of the author without initials or acronyms.
2. Email and ORCID (optional) of the author.
3. Full affiliation (e.g. “Professor Researcher”).
4. Institution of complete affiliation without abbreviations, initials or acronyms.
5. Country.
The published document will have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​managed from Zenodo, a general-purpose open access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN.
Second. Articles must include a summary of a maximum of 2 paragraphs and at least 3 keywords.
Third. If the document requires the use of acronyms or acronyms of organizations, the full name will be included the first time followed by the acronym or acronym that will be used in parentheses, example: "National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL)" .
Fourth. Images, tables and figures must come in .jpg or .png files and their exact location in the text must be indicated (e.g. Figure 1). The original source must be included or indicated if it is original, example: “Source: Own elaboration with CONEVAL data.”
Fifth. References will be made in APA sixth edition format. Footnotes may not have additional references to the bibliography. All references must be included within the body of the document without adding additional references in the footnotes.
Avoid at all costs the use of quoting applications in Word.
Sixth. When a quote is used with emphasis on a corporate author (institution or organization), the first mention will be the full name preceded by the corresponding acronym:
(United Nations Development Program [UNDP], 2020, p. 50)
From the second mention, only the corresponding acronym will be used:
(UNDP, 2020, p. 56)
In the bibliography the full name of the institution or organization will appear as the author.

Seventh. Bibliographic citations must be submitted in the APA 7 system.

Eighth. If the reference has more than two authors, the abbreviation et al. will be placed after the first surname of the main author: (Giraldo et al., 2016). However, all the surnames and abbreviations of the authors must appear in the list of bibliographic references.
Nineth. If there are two or more works by the same author in the list of bibliographic references that coincide in the year, they will be differentiated using the letters a, b, c:
(Giraldo, 2016a)

Tenth. All articles will include a list of bibliographical references at the end of the work ordered alphabetically and chronologically. ¨Preferably, the full URL of the documents that can be consulted online should be included.
The full names of the publishing houses must be included in the bibliography, avoiding the use of acronyms, initials or abbreviations, for example: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Eleventh. The document must not incur partial or total plagiarism in any way.
The documents will be edited prior to publication through the "Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection" method.
All references within the text or textual quotations whose sources do not appear in the bibliography at the end of the text will be deleted.
All references in the bibliography at the end of the text that have not been called with references in the text will be deleted.
Twelfth. Any situation not provided for in these publication rules will be resolved by the Board of Directors or the International Editorial Committee. Analéctica does not charge APC (Article Processing Charges) or fees for shipping and processing of articles.

Analéctica expresses itself in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as well as the Manifesto of the Directory of Decolonial and Critical Thinking Magazines of our South (Deycrit-Sur) on the need to carry out concrete actions aimed at the decolonization of knowledge.
Analéctica is financed solely and exclusively by the voluntary contributions of its Board of Directors and International Editorial Committee. Analéctica does not receive public or private financing for its activities.
Self-archiving of documents on personal websites, institutional repositories, thematic repositories, among others, is allowed.

Digital File Preservation
Analéctica has a digital file preservation policy governed by the following procedures.
- Redundant copies on different servers of the Word document sent by each author.
- Storage of the layout document and its final product in HTML, PDF and EPUB formats.
- Database with contact information and location of each file in the institutional repositories.