Presentation of the special Dossier: Animal Alterity under the shadow of the Human

  • Ana Laura Arellano Zamudio Estudiante de Doctorado en Estudios Críticos de Género


As will be evident throughout this special issue, the articles are as varied as their authors, therefore, we can ruminate this dossier as a mosaic of "wide-angle" and interesting ideas with which to continue thinking about this topic that will be critical. (is already critical) for the viability of human-animal societies. The way in which we have systematized these articles, although it would not be the only way to categorize them, allows a reading focused on the approaches made by their authors, with the intention of allowing those who read to have a deeper approach to the objective of this dossier: reflect on what it means to think about animal otherness, under the shadow of the human. Below is a brief account of the systematization of the dossier, and some synthetic notes of ideas that the authors offer us in each of their articles, in order to bring those who read closer to the topics that could be particular to their interests and looking for encourage the reading of the articles worked for this issue.


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