The construction of otherness (human and nonhuman) in the anti-bullfighting activist discourse in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico

  • Fernando Luna Hernández Profesor por asignatura tipo B


In Morelia, Michoacán, many demonstrations of activists’ groups against bullfighting have been registered. During these demonstrations, the attendees are questioned, criticized, and censured for their fanatism to la fiesta (this is commonly the way they call this spectacle), because it denotes their cruelty, their immorality, among many other vices. At the same time, this anti-bullfighting discourse is bifurcated in claims for empathy, compassion, and justice for the fighting bull and, in general, for other non-human animals; it also branches out in proclamations to end with the exploitation and suffering to which the animals are incessantly subdued. Being the pro-animal activist discourse, considered, among other adjectives, as radical, for the above mentioned, it’s of special interest the alterity configured here (human and non-human), but also the assumptions and implications that, by common sense, they shouldn’t engage in any form of discrimination against non-human animals; this being, at the same time, one of its highest ideals. The purpose of this document is to explore, through Discourse Analysis (with Foucauldian approach), how is articulated, in this context, the bullfighting’s fan’s and the bull’s alterity, during these demonstrations. In the same way it is intended to problematize the findings with the theory and the antispeciesist and non-human-centric ideology. In order to accomplish this, I consider the insults with which the activists call the bullfighting fans.


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