Vegan trajectories: on the Foucauldian notion of “paresis” in the ethics of animal care

  • Juan José Ponce León Doctorando en Psicología


This article studies the configuration of anti-speciesist animalist subjectivities in the Ecuadorian case, starting from the characterization of the different points of entrance to veganism. To this end, an analytical framework is used that seeks to sociologize the notion of parrhesia and practices of care of the late Foucault, along with specialized literature on critical animal studies, with emphasis on the sociology of emotions and the body in animalist collective action. The methodology used is qualitative, twenty in-depth interviews were conducted between 2019 and 2020 to anti-speciesist activists in Ecuador. The results show three main animalist coherence matrices or vegan trajectories, that allow to identify the heterogeneity in the composition of animalisms, as well as their ambivalent and conflictive places. These are: rescatism, anti-bullfighting struggles and experiences of shared subordination -such as experiences of racism or sexism-, which enable the actors to access animalist inter-subjectivity from the body and emotions.


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