Influence of the cultural environment on the generation of theory: e Cold War, agonism and etogurus

  • Héctor Ricardo Ferrari Profesor Adjunto de la Cátedra Etología y Profesor Adjunto de la Cátedra Bienestar Animal


The construction of knowledge is marked by the delimitation of an us who knows and an other(s) who is known, in the classical subject-object dichotomy. It’s a movement from the collective cultural self to the outside of us, and from there back to us, to extend our power by modifying our theoretical and therefore conceptual framework, in a permanent transformation modulated by our theoretical and perceptual-behavioural structure. In this sense, hypotheses are us, i.e. in a way, they are projections. Thus, I postulate that to explain is to anthropise. When we search for meaning, what we are looking for is how to coordinate our previous, existing meaning with the new. That meaning is what is thinkable within our theoretical framework, which is systemically linked to the conceptual framework, which has been elaborated in the flow of discourses we call culture.



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