Different visions of the human-farm animal relationship

  • Gretel Iriaís Cervantes Hernández Profesora de Cátedra y Candidata a Doctora


The reality regarding the production of food of animal origin has exceeded our conception of diseases of zoonotic origin. The current pandemic is proof of this. The millions of human deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus warn of the dangers that humanity faces due to current livestock practices. What is being done with the animals that humans consume? What are the entrenched practices that put the different animal species at risk? Is it possible to reconfigure the human vision within an ecosystem that is considered owner ?, how to translate into reality a vision that improves the relationship between humans and production animals? This text aims to expose and analyze some of the answers to these questions.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5894970


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