Against the human: Essay on subjectivity as a scar and the ethics of similarity

  • Silvana Vignale Investigadora


In this essay we start by defining our form of subjectivity through what we call the "human scar", in order to refer to devices that produce binary cuts in the concept and experience of ourselves (such as the distinction between soul and body, between humans and animals, or between persons and things), which determine a form of relation of ourselves with ourselves, with other living beings and with nature. On this basis, we propose to show how this scar is maintained through an "ethics of equals" or " ethics of resemblance" (comparable to the kantian categorical imperative and the modern notion of "equality") by means of recognition, which justifies -directly or indirectly- subjugation, domination and violence towards what is not considered equal. In the face of this, we ask ourselves about another ethic and another relationship with the world, about how we inhabit a shared world, not only from the point of view of inhabitants of the same space, but also of the vital connection between the living and the possibility of choosing which worlds to live in.



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