Organizational culture, a key element for the construction of organizational identity

  • Olga Navarrete Mondragón Estudiante del Doctorado en Estudios Organizacionales


The study of organizations is important to understand the society of which we are part, however, despite the fact that we live in a world of organizations since we are born, not more than a century ago, organizations were less present in the panorama In this sense, identity has played an important role in the theories of the social sciences, which contribute to and influence organization studies. In this sense, identity has become a fundamental aspect for understanding what means an organization in society. The objective of this article is to locate and describe the organizational identity in organizational studies, considering its relationship with organizational culture, it is composed of three sections: in the first, identity in the study of organizations, through a tour by the paradigms of Organization Theory and Organizational Studies; in the second, the concept of identity is addressed to continue with an approach to organizational identity; Continuing with the third section, the construction of organizational identity is described in relation to organizational culture, addressing the concepts of culture and organizational culture; to finish with the brief exposition of the final reflections.



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