Latin America… In search of a new system of global ethics
The Epistemologies of the South constitute the possibility of reconstructing, formulating and legitimizing alternatives for a more just and free society, considering at the same time the importance of evaluating the context in which the epistemologies are developed, being decisive that it can be either positive or the negative opposite. The context sets political, social, cultural, and economic positions that are the markers of a society and of an entire region or continent; Therefore, the context will establish one's own and necessary suitability for guidance and even opportunities.
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ESPINO, G. (2006) Filósofo Humanista Latinoamericano: Leopoldo Zea. México: Universidad Michoacana
HORKHEIMER, M., (1968) Teoría Crítica. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
RAYNAUD DE LA FERRIÈRE, Serge (1975). Los Grandes Mensajes. México: Diana