Affective collaboration network. Transcending colonial practices in research

  • Carolina Irene Márquez Méndez Integrante fundadora de la Red Nodo Norte Feminista Descolonial


The objective of this article is to share the ethical-political-methodological notion that I have named an affective network of collaboration (Márquez, 2016). This is a proposal to reconsider the interrelation between different corporalities that is sustained within the framework of collaborative social research. This was born as a theorized experience that objects to the concept of key informant in the methods that carry out immersion in the field. So it constitutes an alternative to the hegemonic positions in the interaction between those of us who intend to create useful, strategic and applicable knowledge for the reapprasial of life (Márquez, 2016) of/with/from the corporalities that have been systematically violated. Thus, the intention of this proposal is that it be pertinent to address and begin to repair problems that involve multiple violence associated with the coloniality of gender (Lugones, 2008) in the knowledge gestation process.



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