Public costs and private benefits. A thought on why governments must take actions and policies in disaster situations

  • Jesús Fidel Hernández Galicia Egresado de la Maestría en Administración y Políticas Públicas


Disaster situations caused by natural phenomena have been a constant throughout human history. These situations are characterized by their imminent occurrence, the effects of which threaten life, material assets and put the stability of the affected communities at risk (Gonzalez & London, 2020). Suffice it to point out that a disaster destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii, and that there is evidence that various Mayan cities were abandoned due to the effect of droughts (Gill, 2008). Such phenomena have worsened in recent decades as a result of climate change, in combination with the increase in population density, the concentration of which usually occurs in the cities of each continent (United Nations-Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2020; Orihuela et al., 2018).


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