Desafíos y horizontes de la investigación socioeducativa decolonial en NuestrAmérica

  • Cristhian Camilo Ortiz Castiblanco Docente Catedrático de la Universidad de La Salle, Colombia


This article examines the challenges and opportunities of socio-educational research from a decolonial perspective in the context of Our America. It analyzes how Western epistemological hegemony has influenced educational systems and research practices, and proposes an alternative approach that questions existing power structures and values ​​subalternized knowledge. The study addresses the need to develop emerging methodologies that respond to local realities, promote intercultural dialogue and encourage the co-construction of knowledge. The ethical, ontological and epistemological implications of this approach are discussed, as well as the challenges for its implementation in research practice. It is concluded that the decolonial perspective offers a promising path to transform education and socio-educational research, promoting knowledge systems in a transmodern and pluriversal key.