Dialogues in dialogic and dialectic
It is important to highlight the dialogues held over a long period of time (from 1989 to 2002), which generated valuable content that expresses the Ethics of Discourse by the German philosopher Karl-Otto Apel (1922), and Dussel's Ethics of Liberation. The controversial exchange between the two thinkers is thus collected, which revolves around two main axes. On the one hand, the relevance or not of the recourse to Marx's thought to account for a theory and practice of the liberation of the Third World, and on the other hand, the problem of the interpellation of the Other, of the excluded from the hegemonic community of communication. Dussel (2005) indicates that all ontological ethics of the everyday world or of ethicity, must be based on the good, on the virtues, values or moments of the world that must be fulfilled with heroic authenticity. The ethics of liberation calls, the author limits, the principium oppressionis the ethical criterion that considers the Other as oppressed in the Totality, as a functional part denied in its different interests in the system.