Doing to survive, working to accumulate. The modernity/coloniality pair and the notion of capitalist work in the "normalization" of Gypsies receiving Guaranteed Income of Citizenship in Valladolid, Spain.

  • Patricia Cecilia Galletti Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


This paper explores welfare policies linked to Guaranteed Citizenship Income (RGC), in the labor insertion of long-term Roma unemployed in Valladolid, Spain. The solidary relationship of these policies with the capitalist work system and the modernity / coloniality pair will be taken into account. Also, the differences between the two models found in the field work will be described: the "make to survive" as a way of Romani existence as opposed to the "work to accumulate" of the capitalist / modern / colonial system. Welfare policies will be evaluated as a mechanism of social control and normalization of the "others", which by virtue of the biopower held by the modern nation-state deploys its networks of mediators (social workers, public institutions, education) and organizations of the third sector (NGOs) for the disciplining of bodies for capitalist purposes.
