Characterization of the risk of natural disasters in micro region 5: Zapoteca-Sierra Sur

  • Elvira Marisol Márquez Ríos Universidad de la Sierra Sur
  • Joaquín Huitzilihuitl Camacho Vera Universidad de la Sierra Sur


Throughout the activities of the human being they have been modifying their context for their own benefit (buildings, use of natural resources, etc.) so that at present the strong growth of the urban area has been observed and it is predicted that the Later years this effect will be observed on a larger scale. Therefore, this work aims to describe the possible environmental impacts of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Tehuantepec. By reviewing the municipal development plans of the municipalities that make up the study area with the Check list method, it was found that the problems are: solid waste, growth of the urban area and wastewater treatment, They are those that denote irreversible environmental impacts since they mainly affect the water resource that crosses the population center of the municipalities of Santo Domingo Tehuantepec and San Blas Atempa, and in Salina Cruz it drains into the Pacific Ocean, but its problems lie with the refinery and the port, since they are strategic points that exert greater pressure on the environment.
