Socio-educational interaction as a dialogic praxis of southern epistemologies in the 21st century university

  • Oswaldo Espinoza Docente


The objective of this article is to deepen the study of the epistemological foundation of socio-educational interaction based on the conceptual categories of the Epistemologies of the South, based on the qualitative content analysis of documentary sources of the work of Santos Boaventura de Souza and others. authors. Firstly, the community is approached as a knowing entity and setting for the production and recreation of knowledge; starting from categories such as high intensity democracy and the ecology of knowledge and recognition. The university is called to become a promoter of relevant knowledge; Here categories such as the sociology of emergencies and multi-university knowledge are taken. The privileged instrument for university-community socio-educational interaction is the dialogue of knowledge, for which the ecology of knowledge from the framework of the epistemologies of the South is adopted. . It culminates by reflecting on the impact of the pandemic on socio-educational interaction processes.



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