God and Marx the Eurocentric concepts that do not allow philosophy in Africa and Latin America
The hermetic circle through which they passed that knowledge, that philosopher's stone, understood as hidden treasure or to hide or unveil this is expressly and conceptually medieval, and can be clearly seen in texts, taken to the seventh art as a film, we speak of "In the name de la rosa ”by Umberto Eco (1984), was necessarily the ambit of these cloisters, which from the very definition established that the income was not only for those who wished, but was constituted in a rigorous closed circle, where circulation Of that knowledge, or that western logos, was available to very few, who fulfilled the disciplinary, due obedience and methodological rigors. This trap into which the truth seekers fell, to grasp more on how it should be sought, which was never hidden, except for those who always observed it as a thing, as an instrument or as a means and not as what it is, being, being there, disguising itself in the concealment of the stubbornness of pretending it affordable.