The challenges of Big Data in social research:gender biases and situated knowledge

  • Mariana Gazcón Nuñez Presidenta de la Asociación Progreso para México


Big Data represents the confluence of multiple technological trends that, although they were maturing during the first decade of the 21st century, it is from 2011 onwards that they explode and break out on a large scale, derived from the massive use of social networks, the reduction of costs of internet, higher bandwidth speed, better connectivity infrastructure, internet of things, geolocation and data in the cloud (Joyanes, 2013). The term refers not only to the large amounts of data that are generated continuously, coming from people, organisms, behaviors or societies as a whole (Lesnichevsky, 2021); but also to architectures designed to capture and analyze the volume of data at high speeds of processing and reception-distribution of said information (Joyanes, 2013).



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